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Open Source Software monitoring (GitHUB)

Ich habe einen tollen OSINT-Service von OSS Insight gefunden. Der Provider stellt umfangreiche Informationen über GitHUB-Repos zu <Verfügung. Etwas Ähnliches, aber lange nicht so detailiert, mache ich mittels TruffleHog. Der Vorteil bei der OSS Insight Variante ist, dass man den Dienst nicht selbst hosten muss, sofern man mit der Speicherung seiner Aktivitäten im Netz einverstanden ist.  ;-)


MISP includes a set of public OSINT feeds in its default configuration. The feeds can be used as a source of correlations for all of your events and attributes without the need to import them directly into your system. The MISP feed system allows for fast correlation but also a for quick comparisons of the feeds against one another.

How to have my feed published in the default MISP OSINT feed

Some OSINT hints for #btleaks

To see how I did a "quick catch" on the BTLEAK files, have a look at my documentation of how I found the data and links although the major information was hidden and blocked.
