While having a little obsession for birds (Cuckoo) I just was made aware of another species "Canary" from StationX.
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could setup security tripwires to tell you if someone or something was trying to poke around in our files, on our laptop, phone, in our email and on our online accounts? Well now you can.
You can either use the cloud service of StationX or setup your own system to get an alert when ever someone if accessing a "trap" (token) you embedded within an email, file, directory, pdf or word document.
To get you an idea of what sort of tokens you could create to be alerted on access or use, StationX is providing some good samples:

Or just embed the created token within an email you send to your account with below data to make is very useful for an attacker to "follow" the link. - Apart from clicking the embedded "phishy" link, an alert can already be generated by only opening the mail due to an hidden code being in place.
DETAILS • Max Sample • DOB = 10 - August 1922 • Drivers License = LSDHKJSDASK • Social Security Number = KSDSDAKJSHD • Passport Number = 2938749823749812 • Mothers maiden name = Whatever Susanna
PRIVATE FILE STORE - (BACKUP OF EVERYTHING) • http://magicclouddrive.com/terms/images/static/xxx/login.html (replace the "xxx" part • Username = Nathan12345 • Password = W4%hD8bb0qPN
ADDRESS Flat 69 27 Charing Cross Road Charing Cross Mansions London, London WC2H 0DG United Kingdom
CREDIT CARD DETAILS - BANK OF AMERICA • Number = 4090600113666999 • CCV = 223 • Expires 02/2021 • Pin = 9999
CREDIT CARD DETAILS - BARCLAYS • Number = 4008601111666999 • CCV = 223 • Expires 02/2021 • Pin = 9999
BARCLAYS BANK • Set Code = 20-12-79 • Account Number = 43444979
FINANCIAL • Paypal - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = @7PueUC7rI#N • Barclays Bank - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = l%3FEHFXyEn3 • Bitcoin Address 1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX, Hash 160 99bc78ba577a95a11f1a344d4d2ae55f2f857b98 • blockchain.info/wallet/1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX • Bitcoin wallet ID - nathan1976, Password = l%3FEHFXyEn3
STOCK TRADING • ig.com, - Username = nathanh Password = Hp23Y$yl^NnR • cityindex.co.uk - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = W4%hD8bb0qPN • finspreads.com, - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = l%3FEHFXyEn3
SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS • Facebook - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = Hp23Y$yl^NnR • Twitter - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = 1%3FEHFXyEn3 • Linkedin - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = G*6ifd9@3Bj@Pd • Google+ - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = W4%hD8bb0qPN • Tumbler - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = M0nkeyM@gic
FILE HOSTING ACCOUNTS • Google Docs - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = h*6ifd9@3Bj@Pd • MS drive - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = 7%3FEHFXyEn3 • Dropbox - Username = zbgenl0uzxt@www.whiteclouddrive.com, Password = M0nkeyM@gic • Onedrive - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = W4%hD8bb0qPN • box.com, - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = Hp23Y$yl^NnR • Apple - Username = nathanh Password = AppleSnapple123456
OTHER ACCOUNTS • Ebay - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = a*6ifd9@3Bj@Pd • Macys - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = M0nkeyM@gic • Amazon - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = t4%hD8bb0qPN • Walmart - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = M0nkeyM@gic • Spotify - Username = nathanh Password = W4%hD8bb0qPN • Hulu+ - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = Hp23Y$yl^NnR • Netflix - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = M0nkeyM@gic • Itunes - Username = zbgenl0tezfa2nl@www.whiteclouddrive.com, Password = l%3FEHFXyEn3 • Skype - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = M0nkeyM@gic • Bestbuy - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = y*6ifd9@3Bj@Pd
GAMING • Origin - Username = nathanh Password = l%3FEHFXyEn3 • Steam - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = Hp23Y$yl^NnR • Crossfire - Username = nathan1976@gmail.com, Password = W4%hD8bb0qPN
Windows 10 Password = LetMeIn Disk encrpytion Bitlocker = LetMeIn44556677
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