legal contact rss

Looking for another source to verify your malware hashes and contribute to the community?

Checkout the great service of to verify a malware hash and contribute to the community by uploading your own malware samples.

While building your own malware zoo, the "daily malware package" might be of interest for a daily dose of malware.

On top, the use of data in a commercial environment is allowed. (TLP:WHITE)

Please also contribute by uploading your own malware samples as you find them useful.

Coronaaaaa boaaaard

Well, while working at home I had some time left to get me the honeypot project to the next step.

Use a client-server scenario and visualize and compute the results in splunk.

Read my whole article.

COVID-19 work from home

Better then doing my tax or clean the flat.

Building a little piHoneypot to serve my Splunk with fancy data…

APT36 spreads fake coronavirus health advisory

As if the bio-virus of Corona were not enough, the crooks use it now to gain profit.

Checkout this brilliant article by Malwarebytes doing an analysis of an ongoing spear phishing that concludes to the usual behaviour to "do not click on everything that is clickable".

Running the IOCs through TheHive and my MISP, only fond one IOC known to VT (5/71).

Indicators of Compromise

Decoy URLs[.]email/?att=1579160420[.]email/?att=1581914657

Decoy documents


Crimson RAT





Test yourself for CVE-2020-0796 aka CoronaBlue aka SMBGhost

Check the exploit-DB for a python POC of the recent Windows SMBv3 RCE CVE-2020-0796. But be careful, if the target is vulnerable, you will crash the target.

CVE-2020-0796 is a bug in Windows 10 1903/1909's new SMB3 compression capability. SMB protocol version 3.1.1 introduces the ability for a client or server to advertise compression capabilities, and to selectively compress SMB3 messages as beneficial. To accomplish this, when negotiating an SMB session, the client and server must both include a `SMB2_COMPRESSION_CAPABILITIES` as documented in [MS-SMB2](

Once a session is negotiated with this capability, either the client or the server can selectively compress certain SMB messages. To do so, the entire SMB packet is compressed, and a transformed header is prepended, as documented in [MS-SMB2 2.2.42]( This header is a small (16 bytes) structure with a magic value, the uncompressed data size, the compression algorithm used, and an offset value.

CVE-2020-0796 is caused by a lack of bounds checking in that offset size, which is directly passed to several subroutines. Passing a large value in will cause a buffer overflow, and crash the kernel. With further work, this could be developed into a RCE exploit.

Me != Airbus

My time at Airbus has come to an end and I whish to thank all the colleges that have joined me on the past years for their great support with professional and personal topics.

It has been a great time with you guys … ! ! !

Windows: Available Artefacts - Evidence of Execution

Adam Harrison
 hast done a great article including the below table of where to look first while forensically examining a windows machine.

The table below details some of the artifacts which evidence program execution and whether they are available for different versions of the Windows Operating System

click me if I'm to small …

Summary of Artifacts

What follows below is brief details on the availability of these artifacts, some useful resources for additional information and tools for parsing them. It is not my intention to go into detail as to the functioning of the artifacts as this is generally already well covered within the references.

PrefetchPrefetch has historically been the go to indication of process execution. If enabled, it can provide a wealth of useful data in an investigation or incident response. However, since Windows 7, systems with an SSD installed as the OS volume have had prefetch disabled by default during installation. With that said, I have seen plenty of systems with SSDs which have still had prefetch enabled (particularaly in businesses which push a standard image) so it is always worth checking for. Windows Server installations also have Prefetch disabled by default, but the same applies.

The following registry key can be used to determine if it is enabled:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\EnablePrefetcher
0 = Disabled
1 = Only Application launch prefetching enabled
2 = Only Boot prefetching enabled
3 = Both Application launch and Boot prefetching enabled


ShimCacheIt should be noted that the presence of an entry for an executable within the ShimCache doesn't always mean it was executed as merely navigating to it can cause it to be listed. Additionally Windows XP ShimCache is limited to 96 entries all versions since then retain up to 1024 entries.

ShimCache has one further notable drawback. The information is retained in memory and is only written to the registry when the system is shutdown. Data can be retrieved from a memory image if available.


MUICachePrograms executed via Explorer result in MUICache entries being created within the NTUSER.DAT of the user responsible.


Amcache / RecentFileCache.bcfAmcache.hve within Windows 8+ and RecentFileCache.bcf within Windows 7 are two distinct artifacts which are used by the same mechanism in Windows to track application compatibility issues with different executables. As such it can be used to determine when executables were first run.


Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler (200/201)The Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler log file (specifically events 200 and 201), can evidence the starting and stopping of and executable which is being run as a scheduled task.


LEGACY_* Registry KeysApplicable to Windows XP/Server 2003 only, this artifact is located in the System Registry Hive, these keys can evidence the running of executables which are installed as a service.


Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience Program-Inventory / TelemetryBoth of these system logs are related to the Application Experience and Compatibility features implemented in modern versions of Windows.

At the time of testing I find none of my desktop systems have the Inventory log populated, while the Telemetry log seems to contain useful information. I have however seen various discussion online indicating that the Inventory log is populated in Windows 10. It is likely that my disabling of all tracking and reporting functions on my personal systems and VMs may be the cause... more testing required.


Background Activity Monitor (BAM)The Background Activity Monitor (BAM) and (DAM) registry keys within the SYSTEM registry hive, however as it records them under the SID of the associated user it is user attributable. The key details  the path of executable files that have been executed and last execution date/time

It was introduced to Windows 10 in 1709 (Fall Creators update).


System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM)Introduced in Windows 8, this Windows features maintains a record of all sorts of interesting information concerning applications and can be used to determine when applications were running.


ActivitiesCache.db In Windows 10 1803 (April 2018) Update, Microsoft introduced the Timeline feature, and all forensicators did rejoice. This artifact is a goldmine for user activity analysis and the associated data is stored within an ActivitiesCache.db located within each users profile.


Security Log (592/4688) Event IDs 592 (Windows XP/2003) and 4688 (everything since) are recorded within the Security log on process creation, but only if Audit Process Creation is enabled.


System Log (7035) Event ID 7035 within the System event log is recorded by the Service Control Manager when a Service starts or stops. As such it can be an indication of execution if the associated process is registered as a service.


UserAssistWithin each users NTUSER.DAT the UserAssist key tracks execution of GUI applications.


RecentAppsThe RecentApps key is located in the NTUSER.DAT associated with each user and contains a record of their... Recent Applications. The presence of keys associated with a particular executable evidence the fact that this user ran the executable.


JumpListsImplemented in Windows 7, Jumplists are a mechanism by which Windows records and presents recent documents and applications to users. Located within individual users profiles the presence of references to executable(s) within the 'Recent\AutomaticDestinations' can be used to evidence the fact that they were run by the user.


RunMRUThe RunMRU is a list of all commands typed into the Run box on the Start menu and is recorded within the NTUSER.DAT associated with each user. Commands referencing executables can be used to determine if, how and when the executable was run and which user account was associated with running it.


AppCompatFlags Registry KeysReferences/Tools:


Application Experience Program TelemetryReferences/Tools:


Windows Error Reporting (WER)References/Tools:


Various Anti-Virus, Intrusion Detection and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions may provide evidence of program execution. It is recommended to identify and analyse any associated logs and note that some logging may be centralised.
Repeating the appeal earlier in this post, feedback, suggested additions and corrections are very welcome!Posted by 

Citrix CVE-2019-1978: remote code execution vulnerability

We all know the danger of unauthenticated remote code executions. Citrix has published one recently that effects a major list of their applications. Read below what it's all about and how to find open spots within the public Internet.

Description of Problem

A vulnerability  has been identified in Citrix Application Delivery Controller (ADC) formerly known as NetScaler ADC and Citrix Gateway formerly known as NetScaler Gateway that, if exploited, could allow an unauthenticated attacker to perform arbitrary code execution.

The vulnerability affects all supported product versions and all supported platforms:

  • Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway version 13.0 all supported builds
  • Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 12.1 all supported builds
  • Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 12.0 all supported builds
  • Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 11.1 all supported builds
  • Citrix NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway version 10.5 all supported builds

Analysis (tenable)

While Citrix does not detail the exact nature of the vulnerability in the advisory, the recommended mitigation steps seem to block HTTP based VPN requests with additional components that could potentially contain code. This implies that there is unsanitized code in the VPN handler for these devices. The mitigation, therefore checks for incoming HTTP-based VPN requests, and sends a 403 FORBIDDEN response whenever requests with the exploit format are detected.


CTX267679 - Mitigation steps for CVE-2019-19781

snort rule (Emerging Threats):

alert http any any -> $HTTP_SERVERS any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT Possible Citrix Application Delivery Controller Arbitrary Code Execution Attempt (CVE-2019-19781)"; flow:established,to_server; content:"/vpns/"; http_uri; fast_pattern; content:"/../"; http_uri; metadata: former_category EXPLOIT; reference:url,; reference:cve,2019-19781; classtype:attempted-admin; sid:2029206; rev:2; metadata:affected_product Windows_XP_Vista_7_8_10_Server_32_64_Bit, attack_target Client_Endpoint, deployment Perimeter, deployment SSLDecrypt, signature_severity Major, created_at 2019_12_30, updated_at 2019_12_30;)

Target for vulnerability scan (prove of vuln)


Solution of Error loading ingest job settings for ... using default in Autopsy

  • Stop and close Autopsy
  • Delete all files in:


  • Restart Autopsy

36c3 - FinFisher ev. broke the law

As the software was reversed by Thorsten Schröder and Ulf Buermeyer, it showed hard evidence that the Turkey espionage software was crafted by the germen company finfisher at a time where the export of such thing was already forbidden by german law.

Together with Reporter Without Borders (ROG), the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) and, the GFF has filed criminal complaints against the managing directors of FinFisher GmbH, FinFisher Labs GmbH and Elaman GmbH.

There are urgent indications that the Munich company conglomerate sold the spy software FinSpy to the Turkish government without the approval of the German government and thus contributed to the surveillance of opposition figures and journalists in Turkey.

See the whole story at


Happy New Year 2020

I wish all of you a very happy, healthy and secure new 2020.

I hope you all head at least as much fun coming into the new year as I had. I've been up on 1600 meters high above in the mountains of Bavaria next to the Wendelstein at a fantastic place called Sudelfeld.


It was a tough week with an overwelming amount of excellent information give by Nick Klein for SANS, but an excellent win for me.

My Linux Forensic Cheatsheet

I've started another cheatsheet in the term of a brainstorming action for finding Linux artifacts within a forensic discovery.

This will be an endless "work in progress" as I don't expect to ever find every spot to look at. But, hey, prove me wrong and help to extend the list. :-)

Linux artifacts

Vitaly Kamluks bitscout to forensically inspect a remote customers machine

Check out my article of a great tool to create you own customizable ISO boot image to get onsite via a vpn tunnel and acquire the customers machine for forensic investigation.

Bitscout - The Free Remote Digital Forensics Tool Builder

Tags: forensic

My Windows Forensic Cheatsheet

When ever I look at a forensic evidence I'm afraid to miss some spot and start going over and over it, just to be sure not to have forgotten something very important.

Well. this is why I started my cheat sheet to have a kind of list to tick off.

Join me in "ticking off" when ever you do some similar stuff.

Windows artifacts

Meetup 11.Dec.2019: Cyber Incident Handling Game, hosted by Dr. Andreas Rieb and Marcus Pauli

On peoples demand of the past similar event, we will host another table-top game. Please come an join us in great talks and a fantastic area of our showroom. Just sign up with the meetup here.

In the Cyber Incident Handling Game, led by dr. Andreas Rieb, the participants in working groups of approx. 6 persons are confronted with a cyber security incident. The goal is to record this incident as part of IT emergency management and to plan suitable measures. These include u.a. Measures to assess the situation, develop options for action, business continuity, restart and follow-up.

Here, both technical measures as well as cross-IT measures such as public relations or reporting to law enforcement agencies in the foreground.

Come and "play" with us?

The Cyber Incident Handling Game is conducted in German.

If you did not include your full name and surname in your Meetup Profile, please also email us at with the subject "Cyber Incident Handling Game".

We look forward to you!

Conrad Electronics: Elasticsearch DB with 14 mio. customer records compromised

A big german electronics company (being a supplier for big german companies) has lost his customer data to foreign intruders.
As per the press statement, it included 14 million customer records (but NO passwords and credit card data) that where accessible over the last months to unauthorized attackers.

As this includes names and email addresses, you should be very warily with mails from, as this leak could be used (at least) for phishing attempts.

The original (german) statement from Conrad can be found here.


Fast scan for CVE-2019-9798

Rick Wanner wrote a simple script to combine masscan and rdpscan to detect BlueKeep CVE-2019-0708

Check this out:

#create a date parameter for the various files so scans run on different dates don't overwrite each other.
TDATE=`date +%Y%m%d` 
# put your IPs or IP ranges you would like to scan in scan_ips.txt 
# this will be used as the input to masscan
# the output file is rdpips-<DATE>.txt
echo "executing masscan"
/usr/bin/masscan -p3389 -v -iL scan_ips.txt > rdpips-$TDATE.txt 
#the output from the masscan will be used as the input to rdpscan
#the output file will be RDP_results-<DATE>.txt
echo "executing rdpscan"
rdpscan --file rdpips-$TDATE.txt > RDP_results-$TDATE.txt


DigitalSide is giving a free MISP-feed to the community

Davide Baglieri has build a service to enrich you own MISP data with valuable information. During the last sync, there were 1096 events.

Checkout the HowTo or just add as a new feed.

This repository contains a set of Open Source Cyber Threat Intellegence information, monstly based on malware analysis and compromised URLs, IPs and domains.

The purpose of this project is to develop and test new wayes to hunt, analyze, collect and share relevants sets of IoCs to be used by SOC/CSIRT/CERT with minimun effort.

Sharing formats - [MISP] - [STIX2] - [CSV] - [TXT]

Three formats are availables to download the reports:

  • MISP feed and events (retention: 7 days) - [GO TO]
  • Structured Threat Information Expression - STIX™ v2 (retention: 7 days) - [GO TO]
  • Comma Separated Values (retention: 7 days) - [GO TO]
  • IoC lists of uniques indicators in squid like format (retention: 7 days) splitted in:

The majority of the informations are stored in the MISP data format. So, best way to collect data is subscribe the Digitalside-misp-feed. All sharing formats are based on MISP export format. All reports in any format can be consumed by any up-to-dated MISP instance.
